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— Life on Earth —PPEs

Our mission at Life on Earth - Personal Protective Equipment is to create a comprehensive and collaborative plan to safeguard all individuals from the diverse array of health hazards present on our planet. Through innovative strategies, equitable access to resources, and a commitment to sustainability, we aim to ensure the well-being and resilience of every community, fostering a safer and healthier future for all  

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Respirators (3M)

  • 3M6800 Full-face Respirator Kshs. 14,500.00
  • 3M6300 Half-face Respirators
    Kshs. 1,485.00
  • 3M6200 Half-face Respirators
    Kshs. 1,485.00

Cartridges (3M)

  • 3M6006 Cartridges
    Kshs. 1,500.00
  • 3M6003 Cartridges
    Kshs. 1,450.00
  • 3M6004 Cartridges
    Kshs. 1,900.00